Monday, July 03, 2006

--- leaving town ---
Waved goodbye to my hosts in Veneta: Jim and Becky [see pic of us in Dixie DINER yesterday - I had PANCAKES AND SYRUP with my eggs for breakfast! and pic of their house] - and have been dropped at the UNIVERSITY OF OREGON to kill some time (am being an IMPOSTER in the library, scabbing free computer terminal). Heather is with Aaron at the hospital for surgery on his back. Both of them a ANGRY BEARS as the nicotine gum is not quite the same as a camel filter.

--- the dog ---
I was encouraged into taking PUFFY with me for a WALK the other morning. Puffy nearly exploded with asstailtongue wagging excitement. I was slightly less enthusiastic, but he turned out to be good company. Puffy has near godlike status in the household. I have seen his baby photos. He is the only DOG THAT HAS ITS OWN PETS. True. He raised the squiff-eyed imbred cat called THAI. He growlbarkstalks until Thai has been fed in the morning. Weird. They cuddle and stuff.

--- the spirit of oregon ---
I discovered a good example of TRUE OREGONIANISM in a myrtle wood shop the other day: round wooden coin one side says : 'tuit' the other says: 'do it when you get around to it' hence a round tuit if you have any trouble getting this, come to Oregon and see it in practice If i was DEAD i don't think i could relax enough.

--- next steps ---
Getting on the TRAIN this afternoon [or whenever it shows up] and chugging down to SF overnight.


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