Thursday, July 27, 2006

/san francisco - part 2/

--- sunday gig! ---
Fell out of that bus on Sunday afternoon, showered and headed out for dinner in Chinatown [2 minutes from hostel] with other leftover tour group kids. Midway wolfing down vege tofu stirfry delight, recalled that the RACONTEURS were meant to be playing that night.
Gig guide hastily consulted, money slapped on table, taxi hailed, ticket haggled from tout for KID YOU NOT $20! and into the sweetest little theatre - bit like mini-brixton academy or forum - tiny and well behaved just in time for the band walking on. ROCK!!!! In addition to all guitar grindingly good songs, they did a cover of Crazy, and Bang, bang.

--- Monday beach ---
Woke up to see a small Japanese face peering round the bedroom door. The guy blinks and says he's looking for a girl who said she wanted to go to the beach with him. A girl on the top bunk groans and says she's not up for it any more. My fog is clearing... BEACH? WHEN? HOW?
So next thing I'm up and heading to BAKER BEACH with Yuya, and his buddy Nej from turkey in their car which has no seats at the back, just a platform with cushions - they are gearing it out for a roadtrip, and stop to inspect turfed out carpets and mattresses en route. Up San Fran sunny steep hills and down dale, with 'Sunshine reggae' bopping on the cd player. The beach is the bomb, just 10 minutes drive away, next to the Golden Gate Bridge which is swamped in mist with only it's top tips showing. Sun and swim and snooze then genius idea of using a public beach BBQ for lunch - race to get charcol and stash of steak, chicken drumsticks, french loaf and blue cheese, avocado and watermelon. TOO GOOD

--- the long walk to Presidio, Golden Gate Bridge on to Saulsolito ---
It started off with the idea of going to see the national cemetery and PET CEMETERY [amazing] in the Presidio area, which is a picturesque distance going along the marina and past what seemed to me the Umhlanga Rocks of the city...
then continued on to cross the GOLDEN GATE BRIDGE with wind billowing, heavy with fog - cyclists tooting their bells and cars zooming by...
Then another mile or so and I had curved down around to the little quaint port town of Saulsolito and sat down on a deck of a restaurant on the bay, blue water stretching out towards the misty Alcatraz and San Fran in the distance. Got a DINKY OF BUBBLY and a too tasty grilled SALMON sandwhich and had happy thoughts cos I knew there was a FERRY to take me back.

--- jaeger bombs and slow day ---
So last night was out on the town with belguim burlesque dancer sindy and after vodkas with barely a whiff of cranberry I ended up back at the hostel getting out the JAEGER BOMB stash that I brought back from the bus trip. Have been feeling ROUGH AS SOCKS all day:- special treat of sharing dorms is getting woken up early by noisy korean chics packing and repacking their bags full of fresh as a daisy chipper have been making up for it with lot of NAPPING - Took my towel to the Union Square park and watched the old chinese folk doing their tai chi stretches, and the deadwish pigeons swooping dogs and drunk park benchers chatting, guitar jangling in the background. zzzz.

--- furthur ---
Early night for me maybe. Booking flights to LA - the current fantasty: go to La Paz, BAJA for 2 week vacation.


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