Tuesday, August 15, 2006

--- prepare for mexico ---
We were in Baja California Sur, Mexico for nearly a week
staying in Cabo San Lucas
which is at the bottom point - see map

We met Leann at the Central Camionera in TIJUANA [a hole that you should not step into] - waiting for the 105 Eagle bus to fly [slow drive] us into La Paz, an almighty 22 hour journey ahead. She was on her way home, to Cabo San Lucas, where she'd lived for 22 years, her property only getting electricity for the first time in the last 2 years.

Somewhere along the way, zigzagging down the peninsular, weaving in and out of little bus stops, taco shops, military checkpoints, she convinces us that the beaches are sweeter, the water sparkles brighter, the lights stay on longer in Cabo
so we don't stay at the deep still blue bay of La Paz, but hop on the next bus with her.

--- downtown ---
We end up spending two nights in a hotel downtown [tequila bars, souvenir shops, tacky, taco, touristic blazing pit of nightclubs and taxis and staggering drunk americans on vacation, rich mariner folk with red noses and large tabs, mexican men hooting kissing hollering, perhaps a little like a brit holiday resort in spain but worse]

--- la cassa grande ---
We stay the rest of the time in Leann's home up on the hill overlooking both the Sea of Cortez and Pacific Ocean from it's rooftop swing. Her fabulous mum, Barbara and partner Maciek live there too. The look after us MORE than we can ever thank them for.
- The DESERT gravel floor has cactus, small trees, and rocks and recycled colourful art. Small decorations pepper the branches, wind chimes, sea shells, fossils, a pink metal cage, shards of this and that.
- Hoollas a strung from a totem pole.
- Little red birds with bright mohawks sit on the fence singing, geckos hang around, little flies called BOBOS that you don't see til they're on their way up your nose swing by to say hello
- we sleep in the first floor front room - encase with black insect mesh windows - it RAINED all through the night once - pounding on the TIN ROOF above my head. most uncommon, as apparently it only rains an inch a year
- 3 cats, 7 dogs, a chorus of wagging and barking every time we pull up to the gate

--- surfing, hoola, beach ---
Get a bus up the coast to beautiful costa azul where Leann is massing the SURFERS competing for the Mexican nationals
Do a lot of HOOLLA on the beaches with giant handmade hoops that also decorate Leann's garden. Maciek, her polish partner makes them. [pics will follow at some point]
Sip CERVEZA with lime as the sun sets, and watch the jack russel [queen of the 7 dog family at the house ] go boogie board surfing with Leann

--- cemetery ---
went for a stroll at sundown in the all colourful cemetery, full of little mausoleum houses - one with a SLIDING DOOR!, all piled high with plastic flowers and photos and crosses and trinkets.
loved that

--- dancing...and falling ---
haven't got time for the special story about a big drunk mexican who danced tripped stomped and fell on me and mullered my knee...


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