Tuesday, September 26, 2006

--- swallowing not spitting ---

Roybyn behind the wheel, we kicked off the trip from SF up to Napa, wine - picnic - big snooze. Day two, in the mood, did a tasting at the iron horse in SONOMA. This was less TASTING and more shooting the breeze while swallowing with relish a glorious array of sparkling red white and anything else they had, punctuated by handfuls of good salty POPCORN. All this overlooking a vineyard and valley and MORE OF THAT ONE PLEASE, visited by dozey bees.

--- coastal hops on Route 1 ---

Santa Cruz
Cruised the ghostly albeit sunny gawdy boardwalk and ate battered CHEWY CALAMARI on the pier, honking sea lions flopped on the rafters beneath.

Big Sur
Drove along the ever winding precipice of the route 1 Big Sur coastal cliff top road at sunset - happily snapped a few impossible shots of that and the approaching cigar-roll of cloud up the water, which unfurled within half an hour and turned our pink bathed camera moment into a BLACKOUT horror fog.

Santa Barbara
Strolled around the UNEVENTFUL BOTANTIC GARDENS - though did spot a humming bird

- went to see the AQUARIUM - with it's torpedo tuna - no doubt buzzing their butts around the place at a pace owing to the recent addition of the GREAT WHITE shark
- did a WHALE WATCHING boat ride which lept and dipped and shook and then after 6 miles was surrounded by HUMPBACKS and a school of SEA LIONS and a flock of dive bombing hungry GULLS and stuff

Passadena, LA
Went to meet for the first time and visit with AUNT ZOE (my mom's cousin who has my mom's brow, chin and nose, a very DISTRACTING likeness)
Begged/dragged robyn and zoe to take me to the FOREST LAWN CEMETERY, HOLLYWOOD. Bete davis' tomb and liberace - for you celebrity seekers (marilyn's we never found) and fabulous swooping landscaped surroundings and pseudo-grecian family idyll sculptures - see flickr for pics.

Santa Monica
Dropped in for an afternoon stroll on the beach past the PALMS and the FUNFAIR PIER and the SWINGS. Then hastily up to town we went to robyn's favourite much propped up DELI BAR for glasses of champagne. This was followed by a near bankrupting dalience in victoria secrets at THE MALL...

Newport Beach
No attempt to swim here, sat on the sand bank watching the 6 foot [AT LEAST] waves smash down and rush up at us with CONTEMPT. Read our books and edged back a little more.

Encinitas, near San Diego
Stayed with Aunt RUTH'S house in Encinitas, with a view over the valley of hot air balloons bobbing up in the balmy [ooo we do love San Diegoesque weather] afternoon sky.
Went SWIMMING at MOONLIGHT BEACH. Robyn optimistically made her way into the waves saying she didn't want to get her hair wet.

Back to San Fran
Last night visit to a restaurant near San Jose too meet Uncle MILT and Aunt JUDY and just a peppering [maybe 20] of the GRAND SPRAWLING FAMILY.

--- heavenly retreats ---
Thanks to Robyn's hotel points we spent a number of nights in heaven. MARRIOTT BEDS are something to beheld in. Like collapsing into the breast of a plump white PIGEON BOSOM. Great times enjoyed propped up against soft white belinened cushions sipping pinot noir or whatever an open bottle had to offer, nibbling complimentary dark chocolate and scoffing at pay per view rom-coms, or the blessed OPRAH [who is helping plenty women find their true bra size and jeans THAT FIT]


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