Saturday, August 19, 2006

--- the Ocean Beach routine ---
This week i have been getting down with the OB way of doing very little.
- get up early, get coffee, stroll to the beach, SWIM and then SIT and watch the SEA
- eat breakfast and stroll back to the beach, SIT and then SWIM and watch the SURFING
- hide from the midday sun and then meander back, maybe get a SMOOTHIE or find someone to PLAY BATS or just SIT, SWIM, SNOOZE, READ....LOITER
- get BEER and decant into paper cups and sit out front on the hostel steps watching the people traffic go up and down to the beach

--- some adventures ---
decided the other day that I could stretch myself a little, and decided to go to a DIFFERENT BEACH. Walked all the way to Mission beach with its rollercoaster and LONG BOARDWALK. Went down that dodging cyclists and skaters and bladers and dogs to Pacific beach
which is regarded by Ocean Beach folk as pretentious. OB folk are beautiful chilled loitering boozing getting high folk - days years flights times wash by, the guy on the wall is still playing the same three cords on his guitar, around the corner the punk is still asking for 'treasure' and the scabby nosed fella is dragging his feet and wanting a fag, a dollar, whatever. Bibi the spindly legged camp black guy waves his black magic books and saunters down the road and the dude with the iguana shows up every afternoon to throw the big lizard into the sea and chat to gals in bikinis who are frightened and curious and cute.

//so anyway//

I got BLISTERS and sore feet doing that Pacific Beach walk, so I decided to HANG ABOUT in OB a few more days before trying anything like that again.
Finally got it together and WALKED the other direction to find the FORT ROSENCRANZ CEMETERY which has ridiculously good views across the water to San Diego Downtown and Coronado island [which has another beach that I might get to but most likely won't be bothered with, in lieu of loitering].
It's a military cemetery, so lots of white domino rows separated by clipped green grass.

- took a too tasty bottle of PINOT NOIR to a little cove near SUNSET CLIFFS last night and watched ANOTHER SUNET [been doing a lot of them - and a few nights back finally saw the GREEN FLASH - a wee blip right when the sun disappears - so quick you have to blink and think a while]

--- room mates ---
I have been in a MIXED DORM for the last few days. The one Aussie bird gets in late one night and bless her couldn't make it to the bathroom so did a VERY SPECIAL rendition of ralf in the basin. Then last night I get in late and discover the aussie replacements - one of which is WET SNORING at a good volume - so I go over and tiptoe up [he's on the top bunk], poke him and say 'ROLL OVER DUDE!'
Which he does, and it works, but it's accompanied by fek off... mumble mumble... fek off'

--- where are your photos? ---
I can't bloody find a willing machine - uploading from CD or camera is near impossible. Have tried charming one of the Germans who sit on the porch of the hostel searching for flats on craiglist to loan me their laptop but no joy.

--- when are you going back to san francisco? ---
Dunno - yesterday, day before, tomorrow, whenever. Think i'll be getting a Greyhound on Sunday and drive through the night. If I'm not out of here BY MONDAY please send someone to drag/airlift me away as the force here is strong.


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